Loïc Corbery joined the Comédie-Française in 2005 and has since been offered many leading roles from the classical repertoire: he has played both Dom Juan and Le Misanthrope in Molière’s classics, but also Clindor in Corneille’s L’Illusion comique, Perdican in Musset’s On ne badine pas avec l'Amour or Christian in Cyrano de Bergerac, among many others.
Le centenaire de la Franco-British Society - Décembre 1918 - 2018
November 2004: Reception at the House of Commons to mark the centenary of the Entente Cordiale with the French Ambassador, Mr Gérard Errera and the Chairman of the Franco-British Society, Sir John Fretwell
FBS events
*Annual General Meetings in prestigious venues such as Lancaster House or hosted at La Résidence de France by our Vice-President the French Ambassador, with distinguished Guest Speakers and followed by presentation of the annual *FBS Book prize. *Lunch time lectures and evening talks in English and in French on Literature, History and current affairs. *Talks in French and in English on Art: and visit to Art exhibitions *Music Prize The Vlado Perlemuter Music Scholarship and concert by the prize-winner. *Annual visits to France, tailored to suit the historical interests of FBS members with arranged meetings with local members of the Association France-Grande-Bretagne. * Shared Events with UK-EU Associations and with French Associations in the UK. |
We look forward to a new Centenary with many more cultural events to come.